Makara Sok

Technical Co-Founder, Software Architect, Product Manager, Ops Engineer, Full Stack Developer, Principal Software Engineer in Montreal, Canada


Hi 👋🏻 I'm Mak. People and companies usually hire me when they have a project that they need implemented fast and well. I have over 18 years of experience in tech and 3 succesful startups under my belt. I'll basically build your idea and let the market validate it, and if it all goes well, I'll help you build your team. If you already have something, I can come in and help make your processes more efficient.

This year's code contributions


Latest Commercial Projects & Contracts

  • Founderpath

    2022 - Present

    Startup that helps Bootstrapped SaaS get capital

    Technology: Laravel, React, MySQL, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, DigitalOcean, tRPC, BigQuery, Metabase, Airflow

    • Migrated from Laravel Forge to Docker + Kubernetes
    • Implemented a real CI/CD with reproducible builds
    • Implemented a proper secrets / config management system
    • Implemented proper logging system
    • Improve onboarding of new devs
    • Implemented pipeline to BigQuery
    • Implemented data querying dashboards
    • Revamped Airflow infrastructure and DX
    • Create a Google Workspace add-on
  • CreatorCart

    2022 - 2023

    Micro-shops to connect Shops with Creators and drive it with SMS Campaigns

    Technology: React, NextJS, NodeJS (Typescript), GraphQL, PostgresQL, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloudflare, Google Cloud,, Twilio, Shopify, SalesForce CommerceCloud (SFCC), Retool

    • Built the MVP from scratch mostly alone
    • Onboarded the first clients, and tested the product-market-fit
    • Interviewed and hired engineers
    • Built a Shopify Storefront App and got approved
  • VideoCom

    2022 - 2023

    Apps and platform to level up your communication. Previously called XSplit Cloud

    Technology: ffmpeg, React, NextJS, NodeJS (Typescript), GraphQL, MySQL, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloudflare, Google Cloud

  • XSplit Cloud
    Cloud drive for XSplit products
    Technology: ffmpeg, React, NextJS, NodeJS (Typescript), GraphQL, MySQL, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloudflare, Google Cloud

    2020 - 2021

    Web app for the Medical CPD industry (no longer active)
    Technology: HLS Video Streaming, RTMP Live Stream, React, NextJS, NodeJS (typescript), GraphQL, Postgres, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, Vercel, Cloudflare, Google Cloud, AWS, Stripe.
    Wiser has unfortunately been dissolved.
  • XSplit Connect: Webcam
    Mobile companion app for XSplit VCam, allows you to use your phone's camera as a webcam.
    Responsibilities: API, Project Manager
    Technology: NodeJS, MySQL, Android Java/Kotlin, Objective-C/Swift

    2017 - 2020

    Main website and API for XSplit. Averages 1M+ Monthly Uniques Visitor, 9M+ page views per day.
    Technology: React, NodeJS, Kubernetes, Docker, Google Cloud, Vault, BigQuery, MySQL, Helm, Redis, Google Cloud Pubsub
  • MailTorch


    Self hosted email distribution platform.
    MailTorch has unfortunately been dissolved.
  • XSplit VCam

    2018 - 2019

    The most performant virtual green screen on the market.
    Responsibilities: API, Machine Learning Pipeline
    Technology: React, NodeJS, MySQL, Kubernetes, Google Cloud

    2013 - 2017

    A social network for Gamers. Backend is inspired by Facebook (Graph Database, GraphQL). Also includes a CEF-based Desktop App.
    Technology: PHP, Laravel, React, NodeJS, MySQL, Redis, GraphQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud
    Player has unfortunately been dissolved.

Work Experience

  • Consultation Maktouch Inc.

    2022 - 2024 @ Montreal, Canada

    Principal Engineer for hire

  • Videocom

    2022 - 2024 @ Montreal, Canada

    Head of Cloud Services, Architect

    • Rebrand and separation from XSplit Cloud
    • Migrations of services such as the CI/CD
  • Livescale

    2021 - 2022 @ Montreal, Canada

    Principal Engineer, Architect

    • Decreased the onboarding time of a new hire from 3 weeks to 2 days
    • Implemented a 100% Typescript culture
    • Overhauled CI/CD to be faster and easier to change
    • Migration from an ExpressJS backend to GraphQL
    • Architecture for new ecommerce backends to be plugged in an standard way
  • SplitmediaLabs / XSplit

    2017 - 2022 @ Metro Manila, Philippines & Montreal, Canada

    VP of Software Engineering, Architect

    • Responsible of everything web/server/cloud related, and implementation of modern standards and security practices
    • Implemented the DevOps philosophy between all the teams in the company
    • Awarded over 50k USD of bug bounties via HackerOne
    • Migrated from AWS to GCP without downtime, and reducing the monthly bill by more than 50%
    • Migrated from a monolithic PHP app to a more modern, secure and fast multi-services backend
    • Increased the number of deployments per week from 1 to an average of 12
    • Made frontend iterations 5x faster by implementing modern frameworks and practices
    • Implemented the pipeline to automatically translate our apps in 9 languages
    • Created and led the data science team, involving every teams to push data to BigQuery for KPIs
    • Decreased the onboarding time of a new hire from 1 week to 1 day
    • Increased yearly revenue using data-driven decisions

    2013 - 2017 @ Koh Samui, Thailand & Metro Manila, Philippines

    CTO, Technical Co-Founder, Architect

    • Created a social network from scratch
    • Grew it to 2M+ users
    • Got acquired by Splitmedialabs Ltd.
    • Scaled the team from 1 to 30
  • Various Tech Companies

    2006 - 2014 @ Canada

    Freelancer, Frontend Dev, Backend Dev, Technical Advisor. In my early days, I did a lot of contracts for a lot of clients. Mostly simple frontend / ops work. A lot of wordpress, static sites, e-commerces.

Side Projects / Open Source

  • Query BigQuery from Kysely
  • Generate zod types from your database, for complete type safety with Kysely
  • Finance.ts makes it easy to incorporate common financial calculations into your application
  • This little project is to run your own OpenAI assistant right in your Slack.
  • Prunes Kubernetes namespaces based on a repo's Github PR
  • This container is useful if you want to provide easy tunneling to some servers
    Awesome Karaoke at home. A small rewrite of MyntPlayer with karaoke in mind.
  • devctl

    2019 - 2021

    Easily start developing in monorepos with docker-compose
  • 2013 - 2021

    Crowdsourced Music Player for bars powered by Youtube made for Mynt Bar in Thailand. This is my go-to project whenever I need to explore a new frontend framework. Github Link
  • supermigration

    2019 - 2020

    Easily perform table migrations in BigQuery
  • pubsub-queue

    2019 - 2020

    A Google Cloud Pubsub client for node.js geared towards queues and jobs. Inspired by ceejbot/fivebeans
  • vault-tpl
    vault-tpl is a CLI application that replaces some tokens with secrets from Vault. You can use it to store secrets inside your repository and have them decrypted for development, for deployment or for any other reasons.